Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Born For The Fight (Part 1 : A Warrior At Heart)


On occasion my children fight.  I’m sure your’s don’t, but just in case they are human (and boys) like mine I’ll let you in on a secret.  The fighting isn’t 100% bad.  You see they were created for it.  They were born for the fight.  
We are all born into a very real battle.  The battle of good against evil.  Sin against purity.  Satan against God.  Our spirits against our flesh.  But as men our sons especially are given hearts of warriors.  They are designed to fight, to protect, to defend, to conquer, and to pursue what is right and good.
I’ve found myself telling them to stop fighting.  When what’s wrong with the picture above isn’t that they are fighters, it’s that their desire to war is misplaced and unguided.  I don’t want them to stop fighting.  I never want them to stop fighting.  I want them to fight the good fight!
Lord, help me to inspire and encourage my son’s warrior hearts.  Show me how to teach them to fight the good fight of faith.  Help them to wage war the right way.
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.  Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:11-12
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


  1. I loved this! Such a great perspective as I raise my little ones. Thank you for sharing. By the way, I popped in from Soli Deo Gloria. Glad I found your blog!

    Elizabeth Griffn

  2. Very well put indeed! Being the mother of three young boys,I can not hear things like this enough. Thanks for sharing! Sara~

  3. Great post! Thanks so much for giving me a new perspective on a common problem around my house. I'm visiting from Titus 2sdays at the Time-Warp Wife, so glad I did. :)

  4. This is really good! It is a privilege to get raise young men into warriors for God. Glad I hopped over and visited today!

  5. Love this perspective! And I have just been meditating on 1Timothy 6:11-12! Love it!

  6. Welcome to Soli Deo Gloria!! So happy to have you. And I have 2 girls 18 months apart who have a warrior spirit, too. I will ask, "Are you fighting the good fight?" Brilliant!

  7. This is so true! I have girls and they might fight different (words not hands) but they sure do still fight!

    What a great remind to focus on how not fight instead of telling them not to fight at all.

  8. Oh, that photo...

    I have two boys, a wee bit older than your cuties. But they still fight. Maybe next time I'll use that line: Fight the good fight, not each other! :)

    I like the sound of that!

  9. That's an important distinction to make and one I haven't thought about before. You are right...it's not that the instinct to fight is bad intelf, it's just that too often to wage that fight against each other, instead of against the evils of the world like poverty and discrimination.

    Thanks for linking up...it's lovely to meet you here!

  10. Great perspective! Found you through Jen's link-up and I am so glad I did.

  11. Ha. That picture is too funny but perfect for your post. I came over from WFW.

    Happy Word-Filled Wednesday.


  12. So true! We have to remember, we are not fighting against flesh...and when tempers rise, remind (myself) and my children...the fight is truly against the 'unseen'....LOVE your post....it's so true. God created us with all of our emotions and reactions...they aren't bad...but, we have to learn to use them for his glory. Thanks for linking up again! I always look forward to your posts!

  13. This is GOOD! You're right---I don't want my children to stop fighting either. I just want them to direct the fight toward the enemy of our souls! I never saw it this way before. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  14. So nice to meet you and thanks for linking up with 'Inspire me' :) What great insight .... awesome heavenly perspective!

  15. Good analogy! I'm going to have to remember it when my grandkids go after each other!! ;D

  16. Oh my goodness. I love this. And that picture is basically the best thing ever.

  17. You have such an amazing way of relating our struggles to life lessons. It's real brilliance.

    I hope my girls don't fight, but I fear that they will. ;) It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause. It's for a good cause.
