Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello Trouble


We made a detour yesterday on our way home from a birthday party.  We stopped to see a few dino friends.  A few big dino friends.  I love this picture I took of Grande looking that stegosaurus straight in the eye.  It’s as if he walked right up to him to say “hello, Mr. Dinosaur.”  
Obviously he had nothing to fear from a huge metal dinosaur, but still I loved his boldness.  I mean that dinosaur was huge in comparison to my little boy!
At times the trouble we have in this world seems as big as that dinosaur.  But we can confront it with the same boldness that Grande had with the dinosaur, with the confidence that Jesus has overcome and we have nothing to fear.  And He knew we would need to know.  He knew we would need his peace.  That’s why he put it in His word.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33


  1. What a neat place! I will have to look up where that is! And such a great moment captured:)

  2. You are the second person that has linked up to Soli Deo Gloria this week that has used this verse. It so touches my heart and I can feel the fear within my heart beginning to lift!

  3. Exactly the kind of posts I like...short with a power punch! Thanks for linking up today.

  4. I agree with Amy -- short but powerful. And that verse seems perfect for this time, as we approach the 10th anniversary of September 11.

  5. THis just made me smile big! Love that photo...and the punch at the end.

  6. How sweet to stop with your kids at fun places.


  7. I have never approached times of trouble with something I would call confidence...only gritting my teeth and reaching forward into the muck while simultaneously upward for the divine hand. I suppose that is confidence, isn't it? It just doesn't feel that way.
