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Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Scripture Sunday
Monday, November 14, 2011
Multitudes On Mondays
85. fresh perspective
86. heat
87. time to chat and attempt to craft with a friend
88. making my own gifts
89. the spirit of a warrior in my 3 boys (and their papi)
90. knowing the one who created me
91. leaves that change color
92. the putting on and taking off of layers
93. the calm after a tantrum
94. quiet mornings
95. empty coke bottles
96. clip on ties
97. hearts poured out at the altar
98. goodie bags in my boys “favorite colors”
99. an oven
100. homemade whoopie pies filled with nostalgia
101. being back with the babies at church
Do you see what we've got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander.
Hebrews 12:28
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Give Thanks At The Table (A Day Spring Giveaway)
The table. Surely it’s the easiest most natural place for giving thanks. When we gather to partake in the Lord’s provision together. Whether it’s a celebration or a simple family dinner. Whether the table is filled with abundance or the meal is meager. Saying grace is the first step in teaching and learning the attitude of thanksgiving.
So as the holiday of thanksgiving approaches and we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration, may we remember to give thanks for more than just the food.
This year my personal thanksgiving focuses more on the people who gather at the table than what is on it. After all what would an apron be without sweet little hands to tug on it.
Let there be thankfulness to God.
Ephesians 5:4
Thank you Day Spring for my beautiful Ever Grateful Apron. It’s beautiful fits well and will remind me year round to weave thanks into my days. Thanks to Grande, my 4 year old photographer for the great picture of Chico and I with the apron.
You can get your own Ever Grateful Apron here. It’s currently on sale at a great price!
Day Spring is also generously offering one Devotion Mama reader a $35 gift code to use at dayspring.com and I know you want to win!
How To Enter:
Complete as many entries as you like. Each is worth 1 entry. Make sure to include a valid email address in your comment if you do not have one available in your profile. Please write a separate comment for each entry. The contest will close on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Open to Continental US residents only. Winners will be chosen by an online random number generator. Winners must respond within one week.
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- Tweet this: @devotionmama is giving away a $35 gift code to @DaySpringCards! #indeals #giveaway http://tinyurl.com/7rrpd4p
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Disclaimer: Day Spring generously provided me the Ever Grateful Apron for review and a coupon code worth $35 for the winner of this giveaway. Thanks Day Spring! All opinions are my own.
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Dinosaur, The Superhero, and The Baby
I took this picture a few weeks ago at a church my husband was invited to play keyboard at. I love it so much. It totally captures who my boys are. Grande’s being a dinosaur (looks like a T-Rex to me, but it could also be some kind of raptor). Mediano has a cape that make him feel like a super hero and he runs around going to the rescue. And Chico, my sweet little Chico, with his bottle. He’s the baby. He knows it and delights in it.
They look so much alike. No one ever has to wonder if they are brothers or not. But inside they are unique. They are special. They have their own personalities, their own strengths, and their own weaknesses.
And when I sit down to think about it I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because I love them, but even more because I know the hand that made them. I know the Creator who designed them exactly as they are. I know the One who has created them for a specific purpose and calling. And He who is much wiser than I gave them what they have in spirit, soul, mind, and body exactly what they need to complete their mission, and to complete it well.
And even now while they are so young he calls to them. Come to me. Just as you are. In your childish ways. In your joyful and loud play. With your passions. With all you are.
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Luke 18:16
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